2.6 - 6 100 Six | Healey Blue | ||||
BN4 | |||||
Left Hand Drive | |||||
614 | |||||
6942 | Baltimore | ||||
Maryland | |||||
United States | |||||
1958 | Healey Blue | ||||
2008 | Blue | ||||
Work In Progress | |||||
Original | Baltimore | ||||
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Original |
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Record Creation: Entered on 20 April 2008.
Originality: Noted for being in "original condition"
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2011-09-22 10:23:21 | Bruce writes:
My name is Bruce Block. My siblings and I are having a big 50th Anniversary for our folks in December. We are looking for an Austin Healy in this year range to have for show at this event because that is what our Dad drove back when he met our Mom in Layfayette, Indiana. I know this is just a shot in the dark because I am not sure where you are located, or if you would be interested or if this is even possible? But, my motto that has worked for us so far in this event planning is... "it doesn't hurt to ask!" ha ha.
We are located outside of Beaumont Texas.
I appreciate your time reading this note and I hope it is a possibility we can talk about. Feel free to email me or call me. My cell phone number is 409 656 9295. My email is brucewblock@aol.com.
Thanks again, Bruce